Finally! China announced that 6G will be commercialized around 2030, is it possible

6G refers to the sixth generation of wireless technology, which is still in the research and development phase. It is expected to offer even faster data speeds, lower latency, greater capacity, and new use cases compared to 5G. However, there is currently no standard definition for 6G and it is not expected to be commercially available until the late 2020s or early 2030s.

Finally! China announced that 6G will be commercialized around 2030, is it possible
 China announced that 6G will be commercialized around 2030

China is one of the countries investing heavily in the development of 6G technology. In November 2020, China officially launched its 6G research and development program, with the goal of achieving significant breakthroughs in the next five years. China is also conducting 6G tests and trials in certain regions, with some experts predicting that China could lead in the development and deployment of 6G technology. However, it is important to note that 6G is still in the early stages of research and development, and it will likely be several years before any country can claim significant progress in this area.

According to rumor, this event held to deeply discuss the 6G network and tech improvement. There will also be a agreement on 6G R&D, tech, scenarios, standardization, etc. The conference will also talk about the need to promote a steady 6G network globally. The contribute brands will work together to create a good environment for global 6G development.

The event will invite important global scholarly organizations. Which are given below

  • Finland’s 6G Flagship Program (6G Flagship)
  • Japan’s 5G Forum (5GMF)
  • Singapore’s Future Communications Program

They will jointly organize relevant forums and invite the world’s top industry experts to present technical reports. The EU and American sub-global forums will also attend for detailed talks. The event will focus on four major topics which include

  • 6G application scenarios and standardization progress
  • Network architecture and endogenous security
  • Wireless transmission and spectrum sharing
  • Space – ground integration tech and on-demand services

Expected launch date of 6G

It is currently expected that 6G networks will start to launch in the 2030s, although the exact timing may vary depending on the country and region. 6G technology is still in the research and development phase, and there are many technical and regulatory challenges that need to be addressed before commercial deployment can begin. As with previous generations of wireless technology, it will likely take several years for 6G to be fully developed, tested, and deployed. Some experts predict that initial 6G deployments could begin as early as 2028 or 2029, but widespread adoption is not expected until the 2030s or beyond.


It is currently not possible to conduct a 6G speed test as the technology is still in the research and development phase and there are no commercial 6G networks available yet. While some researchers and companies have demonstrated potential 6G technologies in laboratories and test environments, these are not representative of real-world conditions and actual performance may vary significantly. As with previous generations of wireless technology, it will likely take several years of development and testing before 6G networks can be deployed at scale, and only then will it be possible to conduct meaningful speed tests.

What is 6G Network? Definition, Features, and Benefits

6G technology is the next generation of mobile communication networks and is expected to offer several improvements over 5G, the current state-of-the-art technology. While 6G is still in its early stages of development, there are several key expectations and predictions for what this technology may offer:

1.      Faster speeds: One of the main goals of 6G is to offer much faster data speeds than 5G, potentially reaching up to 1 Terabit per second.

2.      Enhanced coverage: 6G is expected to provide more widespread and reliable coverage, even in remote areas.

3.      Lower latency: Latency, or the time it takes for data to travel from one point to another, is expected to be greatly reduced with 6G, which could have a major impact on applications that require real-time communication, such as virtual reality and autonomous vehicles.

4.      Increased capacity: 6G is expected to support a much larger number of devices and users simultaneously, providing greater network capacity and helping to meet the growing demand for mobile data.

5.      Integration with other technologies: 6G is expected to be designed to work seamlessly with other cutting-edge technologies, such as artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things, enabling new and innovative use cases.

6.      Enhanced security: With the increasing importance of data privacy and security, 6G is expected to include enhanced security features to protect against cyber attacks and other security threats.



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